_alpine grasslands什么意思

Jing X, Sanders NJ, Shi Y, Chu HY, Classen AT, Zhao K, Chen LT, Jiang YX, He J-S* 2015.The links between ecosystem multifunctionality and above- and belowground biodiversity are mediated by climate.Nature Communications6: 8159.

Song WM, Wang H, Wang GS, Chen LT, Jin ZN, Zhuang QL, He J-S*. 2015.Methane emissions from an alpine wetland on the Tibetan Plateau: Neglected but vital contribution of non-growing season.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences: doi:10.1002/2015JG003043.

Jin ZN, Zhuang QL, He J-S, Zhu XD, Song WM 2015.Net exchanges of methane and carbon dioxide on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 19 to 2100.Environmental Research Letters: doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/085007.

Niu KC, He J-S, Zhang ST, Lechowicz MJ 2015.Grazing increases functional richness but not functional divergence in Tibetan alpine meadow plant communities.Biodiversity and Conservation: doi: 10.1007/s10531-015-0960-2.

Chen LT, Flynn DFB, Zhang XW, Gao XL, Lin L, Luo J, Zhao CM* 2015.Divergent patterns of foliar δ13C and δ15N in Quercus aquifolioides with an altitudinal transect on the Tibetan Plateau: an integrated study based on multiple key leaf functional traits.Journal of Plant Ecology8: 303-312.

Chen LT, Flynn DFB, Jing X, Kühn P, Scholten T, He J-S 2015.A comparison of two methods for quantifying soil organic carbon of alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau.PLoS ONE10: e0126372.

Mi ZR, Huang YY, Gan HJ,Zhou WJ, Flynn DFB, He J-S* 2015.Leaf P increase outpaces leaf N in an Inner Mongolia grassland over 27 years. Biology Letters 11: 20140981.

Ding S, Xu Y, Wang Y, He Y,Hou J, Chen L,He J-S 2015.Distributions of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in surface soils ofQinghai–Tibetan Plateau: implications of GDGT-based proxies in cold and dryregions. Biogeosciences Discussion 12: 481-513.

Zhang ZJ,Yan YJ,Tian Y, LiJS, He J-S, Tang ZY* 2015.Distribution and conservation of orchid species richness in China. Biological Conservation 181: 64-72.

Eichenberg D, Trogisch S,Huang YY, He J-S, Bruelheide H 2014.Shifts in community leaf functional traits are related to litter decompositionalong a secondary forest succession series in suropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology DOI:10.1093/jpe/rtu021: .

Wang YH, Liu HY, Chung H,Yu LF, Mi ZR, Geng Y, Jing X, Wang SP, Zeng H, Cao GM, Zhao XQ, He J-S* 2014. Non-growing-season soilrespiration is controlled by freezing and thawing processes in the summermonsoon-dominated Tibetan alpine grassland. Global Biogeochemical Cycles28: 1081-1095.

Yang XX, Yang Y, Ji CJ,Feng T, Shi Y, Lin L, Ma JJ, He J-S*2014. Large-scale patterns of stomatal traits in Tibetan and Mongoliangrassland species. Basic and Applied Ecology 15: 122-132.

Shi Y, Wang YH, Ma YL, MaWH, Liang CZ, Flynn DFB, Schmid B, Fang JY, He J-S* 2014. Field-based observations of regional-scale, temporalvariation in net primary production in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Biogeosciences11: 2003-2016.

Baumann F*, Schmidt K,D?rfer C, He J-S, Scholten T, Kühn P2014. Pedogenesis, permafrost, substrate and topography: Plot and landscapescale interrelations of weathering processes on the central-eastern TibetanPlateau. Geoderma 226-227: 300-316.

Geng Y, Wang L, Jin DM, LiuHY, He J-S* 2014. Alpine climatealters the relationships between leaf and root morphological traits but notchemical traits. Oecologia 175: 445-455.

Jing X, Wang YH, Chung H,Mi ZR, Wang SP, Zeng H, He J-S*2014. No temperature acclimation of soil extracellular enzymes to experimentalwarming in an alpine grassland ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeochemistry117: 39-54.

Chen LT, Niu KC, Wu Y, GengY, Mi ZR, Flynn DFB, He J-S* 2013.UV radiation is the primary factor driving the variation in leaf phenolicsacross Chinese grasslands. Ecology and Evolution 3: 4696-4710.

Jin DM, Ma JJ, Ma WH, LiangCZ, Shi Y andHe J-S* 2013. Legumesin Chinese natural grasslands: Species, biomass, and distribution. Rangeland Ecology & Management 66: 648-656.

Du EZ, Zhou Z, Li P, Hu XY,Ma YC, Wang W, Zheng CY, Zhu JX, He J-S,Fang JY* 2013. NEECF: a project of nutrient enrichment experiments in China’sforests. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 428-435.

HeJ-S*,Muraoka H, Son Y, Fang JY 2013. Carbon patterns and processes in East Asianecosystems: multi-scale roaches (Editorial). Journal of Plant Ecology6: 323-324.

Ma YL, Geng Y, Huang YY,Shi Y, Niklaus P, Schmid B, He J-S*2013. Effect of clear-cutting silviculture on soil respiration in a suropicalforest of China. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 335-348.

Yu LF, Wang H, Wang GS,Song WM, Huang Y, Li S-G, Liang NS, Tang YH, He J-S* 2013. A comparison of methane emission measurements usingeddy covariance and manual and automated chamber-based techniques in TibetanPlateau alpine wetland. Environmental Pollution 181: 81-90.

Liu C, Wang XP, Wu X, DaiS, He J-S, Yin WL* 2013. Relativeeffects of phylogeny, biological characters and environments on leaf traits inshrub biomes across central Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 220-231.

Jin ZN*, Zhuang QL, He J-S, Luo TX, Shi Y 2013. Phenologyshift from 1989 to 2008 on the Tibetan Plateau: an analysis with aprocess-based soil physical model and remote sensing data. Climatic Change 119: 435-449.

Shi Y, Ma YL, Ma WH, LiangCZ, Zhao XQ, Fang JY, He J-S* 2013.Large scale patterns of forage yield and quality across Chinese grasslands. Chinese Science Bulletin 58: 1187-1199.

Dorfer C*,Kuhn P,Baumann F,He J-S,Scholten T 2013. Soil organiccarbon pools and stocks in permafrost-affected soils on the Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 8: e57024.

Huang N*,He J-S, Niu Z 2013. Estimating thespatial pattern of soil respiration in Tibetan alpine grasslands using LandsatTM images and MODIS data. Ecological Indicators 26: 117-125.

HeJ-S 2012.Carbon cycling of Chinese forests: From carbon storage, dynamics to models. Science China Life Science 55: 188-190.

Geng Y, Wang ZH, Liang CZ,Fang JY, Frank B, Kühn P, Scholten T, HeJ-S* 2012. Effect of geographical range size on plant functional traits andthe relationships between plant, soil and climate in Chinese grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 416–427.

Shi Y, Baumann F, Ma YL,Song C, Kuehn P, Scholten T, He J-S*.2012. Organic and inorganic carbon in the topsoil of the Mongolian and Tibetangrasslands: pattern, control and implications. Biogeosciences 9:2287–2299.

Geng Y,Wang YH,Yang K,WangSP,Zeng H,Baumann F, Kuehn P, Scholten T, HeJ-S* 2012. Soil Respiration in Tibetan Alpine Grasslands: BelowgroundBiomass and Soil Moisture, but Not Soil Temperature, Best Explain theLarge-Scale Patterns. PLoS ONE 7: e34968.

Ma JJ, Ji CJ, Han M, ZhangTF, Yan XD, Hu D, Zeng H, He J-S*2012. Comparative analyses of leaf anatomical characteristics of dicotyledonousspecies in Tibetan and Inner Mongolian grasslands. Science China Life Sciences 42: 158-172.

Tao S*, Wang WT, Liu WX,Zuo Q, Wang XL, Wang R, Wang B, Shen GF, Yang YH, He J-S 2011. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorinepesticides in surface soils from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13: 175–181.

Chu ZY, Lu YJ, Chang J*,Wang M, Jiang H, He J-S, Peng CH*,Ge Y 2011. Leaf respiration/photosynthesis relationship and variation: aninvestigation of 39 woody and herbaceous species in east suropical China. Trees-Structureand Function 25: 301-310.

Ma WH, He J-S*, Yang YH, Wang XP, Liang CZ, Anwar M, Zeng H, Fang JY,Schmid B 2010. Environmental factors co-vary with plant diversity-productivityrelationships among Chinese grassland sites. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 233–243.

HeJ-S*, WangX, Schmid B, Flynn DFB, Li XF, Reich PB, Fang JY 2010. Taxonomic identity,phylogeny, climate and soil fertility as drivers of leaf traits across Chinesegrassland biomes. Journal of Plant Research 123: 551-561.

Ma WH, Liu ZL, Wang ZH,Wang W, Liang CZ, Tang YH,He J-S,Fang JY* 2010. Climate change alters interannual variation of grasslandaboveground productivity: evidence from a 22-year measurement series in theInner Mongolian grassland. Journal of Plant Research 123:509-517.

Baumann F, He J-S,Schmidt K, Kühn P, Scholten T. 2009. Pedogenesis, permafrost, and soil moistureas controlling factors for soil nitrogen and carbon contents across the TibetanPlateau. Global Change Biology 15: 3001–3017

Yang YH, Fang JY, Smith P,Tang YH, Chen AP, Ji CJ, Hu HF, Rao S, Tan K, He J-S. 2009. Changes intopsoil carbon stock in the Tibetan grasslands between the 1980s and 2004. Global Change Biology 15: 2723–2729

He J-S, Wang XP, Flynn DF, WangL, Schmid B, Fang JY. 2009. Taxonomic, phylogenetic and environmental tradeoffsbetween leaf productivity and persistence.Ecology 90: 2779-2791

He J-S, Wang L, Flynn DFB, WangX, Ma W, Fang J. 2008. Leaf nitrogen: phosphorus stoichiometry across Chinesegrassland biomes. Oecologia155, 301-310

He J-S, Fang JY, Wang ZH, Guo DL,Flynn DFB, Geng Z. 2006. Stoichiometry and large-scale patterns of leaf carbonand nitrogen in the grassland biomes of China. Oecologia, 149:115-122

He J-S, Wang ZH, Wang XP, SchmidB, Zuo W, Zhou M, Zheng CY, Wang MF, Fang JY, 2006. A test of the generality ofleaf trait relationships on the Tibetan Plateau. New Phytologist, 170: 835-848

Balvanera P, Pfisterer AB,Buchmann N, He J-S, Nakashizuka T, Raffaelli D, Schmid B. 2006.Quantifying the evidence for biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning andservices. Ecology Letters, 99:1146–1156

He J-S, Flynn DFB, Wolfe-BellinK, Fang J, Bazzaz FA. 2005. CO2 and nitrogen, but not populationdensity, alter the size and C/N ratio ofPhytolacca americana seeds. Functional Ecology, 19: 437-444

He J-S, Wolfe-Bellin KS, SchmidB, Bazzaz FA. 2005. Density may alter diversity-productivity relationships inexperimental plant communities. Basicand Applied Ecology, 6: 505-517

He J-S, Wolfe-Bellin KS, BazzazFA. 2005. Leaf-level physiology, biomass, and reproduction of Phytolaccaamericana under conditions of elevated CO2 and alteredtemperature regimes. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 166: 615-622

He J-S, Bazzaz FA. 2003.Density-dependent responses of reproductive allocation to elevated atmosphericCO2 in Phytolacca americana. New Phytologist, 157: 229-239

He J-S, Bazzaz FA, Schmid B.2002. Interactive effects of diversity, nutrients and elevated CO2on experimental plant communities. Oikos,: 337-348

仙女山国家森林公园是重庆十佳旅游景点,国家AAAAA级景区,地属武陵山脉,位于重庆市武隆县境乌江北岸,交通便捷,渝涪高速公路、涪武高等级公路贯通武隆,全程180公里,新建成的渝湘高速,由重庆南岸界石,途径南川,直达武隆,全程高速139km,由重庆市区驾车1小时半即可到达武隆县城。 仙女山国家森林公园总面积8910公顷,平均海拔1900米,最高峰2033米,以其江南独具魅力的高山草原、南国罕见的林海雪原、青幽秀美的丛林碧野景观而誉为“东方瑞士”,她与神奇的芙蓉洞、秀美的芙蓉江、世界最大的天生桥群地质奇观、经典雅致的华邦酒店(4星)组合为重庆最佳旅游观光度胜地。 林海、奇峰、草场、雪原称为四绝。登峰远眺仙女山山原地貌,起伏而又不失平坦;茫茫林海,苍翠欲滴、松涛阵阵;镶嵌在山林之间的辽阔草场,延绵天际、如诗如画,给人以阴柔与阳刚相济的和谐美。山峰、山谷、森林与草原浑然一体,交相辉映,景观层次分明,形成具有雄、峻、秀、奇、阔的地质地貌特色。 仙女山

素有"东方瑞士"、"山城夏宫"之称的仙女山美得辽阔,美得让人窒息。满眼的碧草,朵朵盛开的野花,蔟拥成一团团,像是铺了华美的地毯,站在33万亩森林与10万亩草场形成的天然巨型"氧吧"中,丝丝凉意渗进肌肤,深深吮吸到草原的清新。骑马、射箭、放风筝、卡丁车、越野车、滑翔伞、滑草……构成茫茫草原上跳动的生命旋律。伴随着欢乐的气氛、悠扬的歌声,鲜美的烤羊,身体已经融化在这连绵的草原梦境中。 仙女山国家森林公园总面积8910公顷,平均海拔1900米,最高峰2033米,以其江南独具魅力的高山草原、南国罕见的林海雪原、青幽秀美的丛林碧野景观而誉为“东方瑞士”,她与神奇的芙蓉洞、秀美的芙蓉江、世界最大的天生桥群地质奇观、经典雅致的华邦酒店组合为重庆最佳旅游观光度胜地。 冬季仙女山白雪皑皑,银妆纱裹,大草原滑雪、赏雪、雪地烤羊,把酒临风,兴致昂然;夏季园内气候湿润,茫茫林海,清风吹拂,凉爽宜人,是休闲、度、避暑的绝好去处。高山草原是最引以为骄傲的游览景观,其旖旎美艳的风光被广大游客誉为具有西欧牧园风情的“草场公园”和“南国第一牧场”。

Fairy Mountain National Forest Park is the top ten tourist attractions in Chongqing, the state AAAAA level scenic areas, land is Wuling, in Wulong County, Chongqing Wujiang City, North Shore, convenient transportation, Yu Fu highway, highway linking Wulong Wu Fu, whole 180 kilometers of new high-speed built Yuxiang, south by the pillar of Chongqing, channels Nanchuan, direct Wulong, full speed 139km, from Chongqing city driving 1 hour and half to reach the Wulong County. Fairy Mountain National Forest Park has a total area of ?8910 hectares, with an erage altitude of 1900 meters, the highest peak 2033 meters south of its charming alpine grasslands, tropical rare Snowy Forest, Green Bi Ye secluded jungle landscape and beautiful as the "Eastern Switzerland", her magical Furong, Furong River beautiful, the world's largest group of geological wonders Tianshengqiao, Winbond classic elegant hotel (4 star) the best combination of Chongqing tourism resort. Lin, Qi, grassland, snow known as the four no. Dengfeng Fairy Mountain overlooking the original landscape, but without losing the flat rolling; boundless forests, verdant, Greenfield bursts; set in the vast grassland between the mountains, the sky stretches, picturesque, gives a feminine and masculine economic phase of the harmonious beauty. Peaks, valleys, forests and grasslands seamless, pilions, landscape structured to form a male, Jun, show, strange, wide geological landscape features. Fairy Hill

Known as the "Eastern Switzerland", "mountain Summer Palace," said the fairy mountain beautiful vast, beautiful and breathtaking. Eyeful of the fields are green, blossoming flowers, nest pro-ball group, like a beautiful carpet shop, standing in 33 acres of forest and 10 acres of natural grassland to form a giant "oxygen bar" in the coolness infiltrated the skin , deeply suck to fresh grasslands. Horse riding, archery, kite flying, karting, off-road vehicles, paragliding, grass skiing ... ... constitute the vast grasslands of the beating rhythm of life. With the festive atmosphere, melodious voice, delicious lamb, the body has melted in the rolling prairie dreams. Fairy Mountain National Forest Park has a total area of ?8910 hectares, with an erage altitude of 1900 meters, the highest peak 2033 meters south of its charming alpine grasslands, tropical rare Snowy Forest, Green Bi Ye secluded jungle landscape and beautiful as the "Eastern Switzerland", her magical Furong, Furong River beautiful, the world's largest group of geological wonders Tianshengqiao, classic elegant hotel portfolio of Chongqing Winbond best tourist resorts. Fairy snow-ced mountains in winter, silver yarn wred makeup, prairie skiing, snow, snow, lamb, wine Rinpu, interest proudly; humid climate in summer garden, boundless forests, the wind blowing, cool, leisure, vacation, the perfect summer place. Alpine grasslands are the most pride tour of the landscape, the scenery is charming glamorous as the majority of tourists with Western-style garden, animal husbandry, "pasture Park" and "the first southern pastures."
