






8.国产的head liquidmetal L4网球拍和捷克产的有不同吗?


And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is a strange and mysterious to the birth of a surprise launch of a people and a staggering of the super sports car. Lamborghini can best represent the history of Rome in 2700, seven hill city of Rome was not built the city's defense, the expansion and the moment in the initial attack on the rally in the blood. Lamborghini Ferrari born is the enemy, but also doomed to all the world's super sports car is a strong opponent. It is the devil, but not to the rages of the world. It is Satan, because it is taking another type of line. It is the rare works of art around the world, Italy's most prestigious designers Gandini its efforts into life. Every corner, every line is so perfect, are almost silent Lamborghini original interpretation of the United States. How many people can not he it, because it is expensive to the point can not be imagined. It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.

Lamborghini supercar, the Ferrari as a challenge to come to earth, and perhaps one day will be born with the mission to change, but the life extension for the same is absurd and unconscionable乖张. Such a merick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.




The two main model Lamborghini Countach and the Diablo, countach model in Geneva in 13 the first World Exposition of the meeting.

Lamborghini鲁吉欧charges after the war in Italy to create a series of tractors, oil burner and air-conditioning system, so as to set its own brand reputation, and in 1963 in Italy, Sant 'Agata depot set up their own. This is said to he a Lamborghini sports car fans and enzo ferrari intention (Enzo Ferrari) met for its products would like to mention some suggestions for improvement. However, Ferrari and a tractor has no intention of listening to the views of manufacturers. Although without research, this anecdote has been in the circle. The truth no matter how, one year after the first Lamborghini sports car - Lamborghini 350GTV - is ailable, and it marks a period of amazing success of the beginning of the road. No one can think of some of the world's future super-celebrities will be competing for the purchase of Lamborghini, he a long list of Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) and Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney). All in all the times recorded in the annals of the most successful sports car are all contained in a Lamborghini sports car of the two well-known "Countach" and the "Miura".

Twists and turns through a series of frustrations, the fee鲁吉欧Lamborghini finally retire from the company in 12. Lamborghini (whether or company) has never been a lack of imagination, but it has been the lack of solid financial support. In fact, the Lamborghini of bankruptcy in 1980, Italy米兰姆businessmen brothers acquired the company. Later, Lamborghini has several owners, including Chrysler. But they did not show the true lovers of concern Lamborghini. In fact, Lamborghini and Audi has been deeply origin, their previous cooperation in the pursuit of aluminum chassis structure. This relationship was marriage success in 1998, joined the Volkswagen Group Lamborghini. The financial support of the Audi, Lamborghini has its own management team to operate. Under the management of the Audi plant in 2003, introducing the concept of the Murciélago and Gallardo.

The integration of this culture is not easy (full of exotic car manufacturers and a global automotive giant, a group with a group of passionate Italians and Germans proud). The result is a complete retrofit and rehabilitation of the Lamborghini. Audi can also he the ability to provide a large number of technical support, and the Volkswagen Group's financial support will allow Lamborghini to pursue the development of new products, it is impossible in the past.

Evidence of rehabilitation is obvious: after all these years, Lamborghini once on the introduction of two new models, factory facilities he been expanding and updating, the latest being the new Institute. In addition, the Lamborghini Museum also began to open the door. If you go to Modena, we will certainly be going to visit the Lamborghini museum.

"Audi history and culture" department Commissioner for the museum to highlight the theme of this exhibition came to adopt a new tactic. Key to display the current Murciélago and Gallardo sports car two after the launch, Lamborghini and its impact on the impact of present and future. Shown divided into four themes: the founder of charges including鲁吉欧Lamborghini introduced the background information; their job performance during the period; interspersed play the 20th century until the early 70s was in 1998 acquired a new chapter in the Audi. Tightly around the entire contents - " '奔牛' marks 40 years of wind and rain accompanied by Lamborghini" - the most memorable theme of the exhibition.

And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is strange that this person, the legend, and the poor. As a die-hard Ferrari fans, he also manufacturing tractors in 1959, at the same time also offering air-conditioning and radiator. Wanted to build a Lamborghini Aircraft Corporation, was the Italian refused. Lamborghini Super Ferrari fans is that he owns a Ferrari sports car four, of course, with his air-conditioned tractor radiator-earned money to buy the. Lamborghini Ferrari forite 250 of the failure, was looking for sports car manufacturer Ferrari gearbox problem complaints, refused. While angrily denouncing Ferrari Lamborghini father - enzo ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), enzo ferrari more must answer: do not need a tractor to tell me how to make a sports bar! (Early, like the Ferrari and now the哄哄MA牛逼, they put all the efforts on the car, the general civilian vehicle just to make money to subsidize R & D Racing, the Ferrari-level civilian control of the performance of the road in general, car owners do not satisfaction but did not dare complain, because it may be to prohibit the purchase of the Ferrari, it seems that everyone has the low ).

Nature of the Lamborghini孤傲respected by their own people by making a mockery of such a consequence is still serious: Treasures from the sale of its four视若Ferrari sports car and go bankrupt, "Lamborghini sports car manufacturer Co., Ltd." In the distance of both Ferrari Modena 15 km of the new Sant agata bolohgess.

On the means of the next Lamborghini - Ferrari and Maserati dug from a large number of people, including well-known贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini), the designer of Ferrari 250GTO, he in the 20th century, the impact of the Italian car scene power even higher than the Enzo and佛瑞肯, he designed the 3.5-liter 360-horsepower V-12 engine has become the banner of Lamborghini Ferrari challenge.贝萨里尼enough personality that he renegade Ferrari enzo ferrari because he refused to allow the use of independent suspension, many years later is too late often enzo ferrari贝萨里尼of release!

October 26, 1963, Turin, Italy, auto show, Lamborghini launch of his first works 350GTV (chassis number 0100), speed 280 km / h, only one production. Finally, a devil was born, a devil take the independent route, the devil of the most prestigious Italian designers Gandini life into their efforts.

Mr. Lamborghini died in 1993.


费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼在意大利战后制造了一系列的拖拉机、燃油燃烧器及空调系统,从而为自己的品牌树立了声望,并于1963年在意大利Sant 'Agata 成立了自己的车厂。据说有一次兰博基尼这个跑车迷打算和恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)会面,想对其产品提些改进建议。然而法拉利并无意听取一个拖拉机制造商的意见。虽未经考证,这则轶事始终在圈内流传。不论事实真相如何,一年后首款兰博基尼跑车——兰博基尼350GTV——面世了,它标志着一段令人称奇的成功之路的开始。没人能想到日后世界上的一些超级名流会竞相购买兰博基尼,长长的名册中有法兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)和保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)。所有记载各个时代最成功跑车的编年史中无一不载录了兰博基尼的两款著名跑车“ Countach”和“ Miura”。





在意大利乃至全世界,兰博基尼这个人是诡异的、的、可怜的。作为法拉利的铁杆车迷,他1959年还在制造拖拉机,同时还兼做空调和暖气片。兰博基尼本想建立一家飞机公司,被意大利严词拒绝。兰博基尼是法拉利的超级粉丝,他拥有四辆法拉利跑车,当然是用他生产拖拉机暖气片空调赚来的钱买的。兰博基尼最喜欢的法拉利250出了故障,遂找法拉利跑车制造公司投诉变速箱问题,遭拒。气愤之余兰博基尼声讨法拉利之父——恩佐法拉利(Enzo Ferrari),恩佐法拉利的答复更绝:用不着一个做拖拉机的来告诉我如何制造跑车吧!(早期的法拉利和现在一样马哄哄的牛逼,他们把所有的精力都放在赛车上,一般民用车只是为了赚钱来补贴赛车研发,民用级的法拉利路面操控性能一般,车主们不满意却不敢抱怨,因为这样可能会被禁止购买法拉利,看来都有贱性)。

生性孤傲的兰博基尼被自己所敬重的人如此嘲弄,后果还算严重:变卖了自己视若珍宝的四辆法拉利跑车并倾家荡产,“兰博基尼跑车制造股份有限公司”在距离法拉利之都Modena仅15公里的Sant agata bolohgess新建。

接下来兰博基尼就不择手段了——从法拉利和玛莎拉蒂挖了大批人才,包括著名的贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini),法拉利250GTO的设计师,他在20世纪意大利车坛的影响力甚至高于恩佐和佛瑞肯,他设计的3.5升360马力的V-12发动机成为兰博基尼挑战法拉利的旗帜。贝萨里尼也够个性的,他叛离法拉利的原因是恩佐法拉利拒绝让他使用独立后悬挂,多年后恩佐法拉利对放走贝萨里尼追悔莫及!






"In" lees of grass contains rich and profound ideological content, the poet stands on a radical bourgeois democratic standpoint singing American this "democratic earth":


There are no sles, nor the master of the sles,


There are people immediately against the selection of endless play the gangster,


Where men and women to die brely calls, there are violent wes surging like sea,


Where the right is always following the right of the interior,


Where citizens are always on the minds and ideals, the president, the mayor, the governor is just a paid employment,


Where children are taught to manage themselves, and to rely on their own,


Where events are always settled,


There is encouragement to the exploration of the soul,


There are women on the streets, like men,


There they go to a public meeting, as men get seats.


"Lees of grass" in nature, and the self has a celebration of pantheism, pantheism is the worship of nature and all things in the nature of God; poem strongly praise nature of the magnificent and wonderful and great:


Climb the mountain, I carefully climbed up, holding a low Sam thin twig,


Walking the long grass, lees the breeze path,


Where quail call between the fields and woods,


Where bats flying in the evening of July, where huge Reer in night landing,


Where the stream from the old root out flow on the grass.


"Lees of grass" is covered with earth American grass, always vibrant and exudes seductive fragrance. It is a world famous masterpiece, created a new era of USA national poetry. Author in the form of poetry is bold innovation, create forms of poetry "free body", breaking the traditional poetry, to punctuate as a basis for the rhythm, rhythm, free spirited, unrestrained, free writing, has plummeted in the momentum and the all encompassing capacity.


The grass set involves a wide range of areas, thinking is very rich, complex, but its basic theme can roughly summed up: self, and create and national.


Self is the "lees of grass" in repeated rendering, a major theme of repeatedly singing. The poet in the stressed self, believe that their in the transcendental thoughts under the influence, the self of the utmost praise. It portrayed the indomitable spirit of the giant. But the poet of the self, different from European romantic tradition in the kind of sentimental, delicate, self pity self, but a strong, even some rude self:


"I, Whitman, an American, a rude Chinese, a world of debauchery...... Meal hunger, thirst, reproduction ("song of myself")"


"Lees of grass" success lies in poetry each a piece of grass into a fresh spirit of the times, as the poet's mind, always with the pulse of the times beating. And in the latter half of the 19th century in the United States is in a free, equal and democratic spirit to grass the same throughout the world, which not only the significance of the United States at the time extraordinary, but also to the entire human break feudal ideas and oppressive double yoke, to democracy, freedom of the bright future, far-reaching significance.


#英语# 导语暑生活像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往,暑发生的一件件有趣的事,常常把我们带进美好的回忆中。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 My summer vacation has quietly arrived, but I heard all kinds of feelings of my classmates. Some students were very hy and said, "Wow, it's finally released! I must trel this summer!"; Some students were very upset and said, "with so much homework, will there be no time to rest this summer vacation? I hate summer vacation and would rather go to school!" I like my summer vacation very much. I arrange it early and feel at ease.

 I went to many places during the summer vacation, such as Phoenix Mountain. When my family and I walked into the Phoenix Mountain, my eyes were even brighter: the huge ferris wheel, sitting inside is a place for people to feel comfortable, as if flying high in the sky, looking at many beautiful scenery below, many hy people, some blowing bubbles, some taking photos, taking beautiful moments; There are roller coasters, thrilling, screaming to let yourself release all the fear in the past, leing only good memories; There is also a pirate ship that can "ride the wind and wes", so you can be a pirate yourself and experience the feeling of wandering in the vast sea

 In the afternoon, I wore my newly bought Pink Swimsuit, red goggles and swimming circles to play in the Phoenix God's water park. It's really nice to spend the hot summer in the cool water park! "Surfing" again and again, bursts of cool water splashed on me, made me show a knowing smile, and made me like the summer vacation. I like summer vacation, which gives us unlimited freedom and hiness. Students, let's spend the best two months in the summer vacation!


 If you say hy things, it's this summer vacation. During this holiday, many interesting things he hened. I'll tell you about it.

 At the beginning of the summer vacation, my cousin clamored to play with me. I promised, and we went to play basketball. Although my brother is young, his level is no worse than mine. I got the ball first, but my brother kept up with me. I flashed from left to right to beat his attack. But just when I relaxed my vigilance, my cousin grabbed the ball. He threw it hard and it scored. I immediately grabbed the ball. But when I threw it, I tried too hard. Instead of scoring, the ball hit the basket and hit myself.

 Alas, this game not only failed miserably, but also made a fool of myself. It's really unlucky. However, my cousin didn't laugh at me, and he came to comfort me, and I won't complain anymore.

 The second half began, and I was ready to fight again. This time, my cousin grabbed the ball, but I walked over with a key step and grabbed the ball. Then came the most critical pitching. I aimed a little, and I threw it out. The ball miraculously scored, because it was cross half court! In the next game, my cousin and I played very fiercely, and even drew with him. At this time, it was the most critical time. I used my whole body skills and finally grabbed the ball. I scored in one fell swoop with the encouragement of the first goal.

 This is just a small thing in my summer vacation. I still he many hy things. If I he time, I will tell you one by one.


 be on holiday! Let me hope for the stars, the moon, and finally my forite summer vacation. I'm excited and excited. In this beautiful time, the most interesting, hiest, and still fresh in my memory 'is swimming. During the summer vacation, my mother asked me and my sister to learn swimming together, so as to exercise our self-help consciousness and ability. At the same time, it is also a good way to oid the heat!

 In the process of learning to swim, once I forgot to wear a swimming cap and just wore glasses. As a result, the kicked me out of the swimming pool, so I had to buy another swimming cap. Practice tells me that swimming is about rules, which we must abide by.

 Another time, my sister and I were playing a water gun game. My sister named it the treasure of water gun.

 I had a good time with my sister. From time to time, my sister secretly shot me in the back. I didn't realize that I had been attacked by her until I heard her laughing, so I started a fierce battle on the water. Haha, we slowly fell in love with the time in the water, learning, playing, helping each other. From learning to swim, I found that I love my sister more. What is waiting for us is not only every day in the future, but also every day to learn to love each other.

 This summer vacation, I'm really hy. Thank my mother for letting me learn to swim, and thank my sister for her company!


 This evening, I finished today's task early. When I looked up, it was only seven o'clock. I thought of finding something to kill time, but I didn't know what to do. At this time, I saw the land chess set aside, and I thought of playing chess with my grandfather.

 My grandfather and I he discussed that all the chess are reversed. No one knows what chess he will turn over. Then everyone can choose to turn over a chess piece or move his own chess piece at will.

 The game soon began. I turned the chess first. When I turned it over, it turned out to be a red commander. I was the red side. I quickly moved the commander to the camp. Grandpa also flipped a chess piece. It was red. When I saw it, it turned out to be a division commander of mine. The officer was not young. I hily moved the chess piece to the camp again. Grandpa had no choice but to continue to play chess. Unexpectedly, he turned to my son again. My luck is really great! In this way, the pieces he been turned in half, and I he seven of the seven camps. At this time, I turned over my bomb, wow, this is great, but I can't move. Grandpa immediately opened the chess piece next to it. I prayed silently in my heart that this was my chess. As a result, it turned out to be grandpa's commander. Haha, I was so hy, and then I hily killed his commander with a bomb. Grandpa felt distressed when he saw it. We continued to play chess. Grandpa turned to his commander again, and there hened to be an empty camp next to the commander. I immediately "occupied" the camp with other chess pieces and didn't let Grandpa's commander enter. Grandpa had no choice but to let the commander "flee everywhere". Unexpectedly, its commander just stopped next to my commander's camp. Haha, needless to say, you can guess that his commander was killed by my commander. Seeing this situation, grandpa had to raise his hand and surrender.


 After so many years of summer vacation, one of the most unforgettable things in my summer vacation was when I was in the third grade of primary school.

 One day in the summer vacation that year, my father came back from Qiyang and brought me a Benli computer learning machine. I looked at the gift my father brought back for me, and I jumped three feet high with joy.

 That learning machine is composed of a keyboard, a power supply, two data cables, two cards and two game consoles. Cards are divided into learning cards and game cards. The method of use is also very simple. Just plug the power supply of the learning machine into the DC power supply, and then plug the other end into the power interface on the keyboard of the learning machine. Then connect the TV with the data cable and select the channel.

 After doing these preparations, insert the card and turn on the power switch on the learning machine. I use it every day to practice Wubi radical and level-1 simple code. First enter the selection interface, select the second WuBi font exercise in the third row on the right, then press enter to select it, and then select the radical or first-class short code in the next option. Enter the practice interface. According to the root or first-class short code displayed above, press the corresponding key on the keyboard to eliminate the root or short code.

 You need to see clearly when typing roots, because there are all roots on the keyboard except for the Z key, and there are several roots on a key, so you should see clearly. As long as you can see clearly what the word is, and then press the corresponding key, you can type the first-class short code one letter at a time.

 At first, I played slowly, but after mastering the methods and rules, I gradually played faster. Dad saw my performance and smiled with satisfaction. In addition to practicing WuBi font, the learning card can also input text, but it is not as rich as real computers. The learning machine my father bought has laid a solid foundation for me to learn computers now. I want to thank that learning machine.

 I can't forget that summer vacation!


 The summer vacation has begun for several days, but I hen't had a good time yet. Because I'm busy doing my summer homework. I can he fun from today on.

 Today, my father is going to take me to my grandfather's house for summer vacation. My grandpa lives in the countryside. The summer there is beautiful and cool. I like grandpa's summer very much. Today, my father and I came to the railway station to go to Grandpa by train. Every summer vacation, Grandpa expects me to go. Last summer vacation, I also went to Grandpa's house, where many interesting things he hened.

 Last year, I went back to the countryside for the summer vacation to play with the children of my grandparents and neighbors. Unexpectedly, they all went to the city, leing only a very small child, and a few kittens soon became our playmates.

 The four kittens are very cute. Sometimes they are lazy and motionless under the tree. Sometimes they chase and play with each other. Seeing them, they can't help but want to catch them and play. Grandpa was afraid of us playing with the cat, so he said the cat was dirty, but it didn't bother us at all. My children and I brought a basin, poured water into the basin, put all the kittens in it, and bathed them with sponge and bath lotion, but the kittens were very ungrateful. They always ran out and took a lot of effort to wash them. Grandpa couldn't help us when he saw the wet kitten, so he had to help us wipe the kitten dry with a towel.

 After the bath, the kittens seemed to be timid and afraid of me. They ran away at the sight of me. In order to improve the courage of the cat, I thought of a good way. Grandpa's house has a table with four horizontal bars under it. We will catch the kittens and let them hang on it like athletes catching the horizontal bars. It's very effective to exercise courage. For the first time, they all held on to the wooden bar until they fell. Later, they were dishonest and refused to grasp. As soon as we put our hands on it, they came down and ran away immediately.

 Hy days always pass quickly. A month has passed, and my father came to pick me up. I'm really hy in the carefree days in the countryside. When I came, the dates were still small and had grown into big fruits. When I said goodbye to Grandpa, Grandpa helped me pick a few, because they were not ripe or sweet, but I was very satisfied. I told grandpa that I would come back next summer vacation. I'm here again.


 .On the last day of the final exam, I looked out the window and thought: summer vacation is coming soon. I'm so excited, looking forward to it.

 After the graduation ceremony, when I was turning on the TV to watch my thoughts on animation, my mother suddenly ran over and said, "daughter, this is your summer homework, and I helped you sign up for reading composition class and dance class." I thought to myself: with so much homework and cram school, I fell to the bottom of my heart and cried bitterly. I said to my mother, "can I get rid of the dance class?" My mother said angrily, "then remove the dance class." At this moment, I'm extremely looking forward to it. The next day, I prepared the school supplies for class early and took the bus to class with my classmates. In this hot summer, listening to the teacher with the air conditioner blowing in the classroom made me learn a lot of new knowledge, Mr. Lin said; "In summer vacation, we should not only master basic knowledge, but also read a lot. Insisting on reading is an effective way to cultivate understanding ability. When others are resting and you are working hard, you can go in front of your classmates. Summer vacation is the time to overtake in curves." I thought to myself: what the teacher said is very reasonable. I believe it.

 Although I he to do a lot of homework this summer vacation, I like reading and writing.


 Halfway through the summer vacation, we are going to the countryside to harvest crops.

 On the way back to the countryside, we talked and laughed, giggled and hopped, very excited. In the field, most of the crops he been cut and become a piece of green. I only vaguely see that there are farmers in the field who are busy cutting crops. I think the farmers must be very hard.

 Finally, when I arrived in the countryside, I ge my grandparents the money I had already prepared in the bank. Because my grandparents were old and had no money, I should give them some money. My grandparents laughed and praised me as a filial good child. The next day, my grandparents told me that the crops had been cut, so we had to pull seedlings. On the way, we talked as we walked. The air outside was really refreshing. Colorful flowers, green grass, lush trees, really like a green ocean, but also like a hairy carpet. A gust of wind blew, and the trees wed to us, as if to say, "Welcome!" Beside a winding path, fat corn hung all over the branches, nodding to us, and the flowering peanuts were smiling at us. Walking along a rugged path, I was still a little nervous. It's so comfortable to step on the wet ridge for the first time! Seeing the crystal clear dewdrops rolling down, they immediately diseared without a trace.

 We came to a seedling field and began to pull seedlings. It's really comfortable to step into the soft mud. Dad taught us not to bend the seedlings when pulling them out, but to hold them in our left hand and pull them out with our right hand. Bundle seedlings. Wash seedlings. I did what my father said. It was really decent. A few days later, we went to transplant seedlings. Grandpa told me that when transplanting seedlings, the horizontal and vertical rows should be aligned. I did as Grandpa said, and it was really beautiful.


 It's finally a holiday. After a busy semester, the summer vacation finally arrived.

 It feels good to he a holiday. I didn't open my eyes until more than ten o'clock in the morning. Dress slowly and don't worry about the urge of your parents. Good days always seem to be so short. For me, who will graduate next year, such a good day will be even shorter. In order to make my grades improve by leaps and bounds in my last year. My mother set a goal for me: seize every day of the holiday.

 My good days ended quickly. The daily learning tasks are actually fuller than when I went to school. When to learn English, finish your homework, learn math, and learn Chinese. The time was carefully arranged by my mother, and I didn't even he time to play. bother it! like this. My summer vacation life is very boring. I miss my school days.

 At ordinary times, in school, there are only a few more restrictions, more tiredness in class, more homework... But when you carefully experience it, you can find that the friendship between students is actually very pure, and the study and life is not only very regular, but also the intense study and life is very substantial.

 Now, I can't hear the sweet bell, see the hy figure of my classmates, only hear my mother's endless nagging, and only see my father's serious face. I he nothing but helplessness and endless troubles.

 Everyone hopes to he a holiday as soon as school starts, but he wants to go to school again as soon as he has a holiday. This awareness is particularly strong this summer vacation.


 Yesterday afternoon, the sun was bright and the spring breeze was warm. My mother took me to the amusement park. I was very hy!

 Entering the gate of the amusement park, the first thing you see is a huge field style double-layer platform, in which naughty children play hily, high and low for a while, and he a lot of fun.

 Continue to walk inward, we come to a more exciting and fun game area "adventure forest". At first, it was rock climbing. In front of a tall rock climbing wall, several children were eager to try. They looked energetic, like soldiers on the battlefield. There was an uncle who took us to wear equipment. After confirming that there was no danger, I set out with a little friend. I was a little afraid, always thinking about whether I would fall down. My mother encouraged me and said, "baby, don't be afraid, we always he to go through a lot of first times, be bold to do it, hold on, pedal steadily, and my mother is down there to cheer you on!" I set foot on the first rock point with trepidation. In this way, the third, the fourth... Finally, I reached the peak. Although I was sweating and my heart was beating like I was about to jump out, I couldn't help feeling that sense of achievement and pride in my heart!

 Walking forward, a long rope stopped us. When someone walked on it, it shook very badly and looked at it with horror. I held my breath and stepped on it carefully. The rope ladder suddenly shook left and right, which scared me to hold on to the guardrail and dare not move again. At that time, I really wanted to turn around and detour across the bank from the other side, but when I look back, I can't give up halfway! Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet, he walked to the opposite bank with his eyes closed. Looking back, the rope ladder seemed to show a big smile to us. Originally, the rope ladder is not terrible at all.

 Then there is a place with many rollers. Do you know how I got there? I stood on tiptoe, stepped on the gap in the middle, tightened my nerves and walked over gently.

 Although the game is over, I he been immersed in it.



His first footballing steps were in 1990 in Araras, an area of Sao Paulo. He team was called the Unión San Juan. At 14 years old he was already on the first team, at 16 he made his debut in the Brazilian Under 20s and at 18 he was already an idol at Palmeiras and on the first eleven of the Brazilian First Team. In 1996 he made the jump to European football, starting off at Inter, and a year later joining the team of Real Madrid. His career at our team is impressive. From the first day he won the hearts of the fans with his spectacular offensive play, as well as his many personal values: he has an open carácter, jovial and always close to the fans. At Real Madrid as in the national team of Brazil he has affirmed his position as the best left winger in the world.


楼上的介绍是几年前钟丽缇版的《色戒》(SAMSARA),楼主要的是《色,戒》(Lust, Caution)吧?


Shanghai, 1942. The World War II Japanese occupation of this Chinese city continues in force. Mrs. Mak, a woman of sophistication and means, walks into a café, places a call, and then sits and waits. She remembers how her story began several years earlier, in 1938 China. She is not in fact Mrs. Mak, but shy Wong Chia Chi. With WWII underway, Wong has been left behind by her father, who has escaped to England. As a freshman at university, she meets fellow student Kuang Yu Min. Kuang has started a drama society to shore up patriotism. As the theater troupe's new leading lady, Wong realizes that she has found her calling, able to move and inspire audiences and Kuang. He convenes a core group of students to carry out a radical and ambitious plan to assassinate a top Japanese collaborator, Mr. Yee. Each student has a part to play; Wong will be Mrs. Mak, who will gain Yees' trust by befriending his wife and then draw the man into an affair. Wong transforms herself utterly inside and out, and the scenario proceeds as scripted until an unexpectedly fatal twist spurs her to flee. Shanghai, 1941. With no end in sight for the occupation, Wong hing emigrated from Hong Kong goes through the motions of her existence. Much to her surprise, Kuang re-enters her life. Now part of the organized resistance, he enlists her to again become Mrs. Mak in a revival of the plot to kill Yee, who as head of the collaborationist secret service has become even more a key part of the puppet . As Wong reprises her earlier role, and is drawn ever closer to her dangerous prey, she finds her very identity being pushed to the limit...




This film is about a woman enticing a top ranking official in the occupying Japanese , in order to assassinate him.

I am very impressed by this film after just watching 5 minutes of it. The mahjong scene is very well made. Behind all the gossip, it has so much sule tension. Everyone is secretly calculating another and planning their next move, both in the game and outside the game. Another striking thing that I noticed is that the panning motion of the camera. I am sure it is very tricky to get it right! A continuous shot of taking a piece of mahjong, then the hand of tiles, then throwing the unwanted one away. All done in one shot. It's really good camera work.

There is a lot of complex emotions, both expressed and implied. For example, Wang Jiazhi's pain of hing to give up her virginity is skilfully implied. Later, her pain of being intimate with Mr Yee is expressed in a rage. The psychological games in the subsequent parts is well portrayed. Wei Tang is masterful in playing her role. She portrays a wide variety of facial expression and bodily gestures so naturally and skilfully. Her power of seduction is undeniable. The surreal atmosphere that she creates when she is Mai Tai Tai is stunning. I he never heard of her before, and I hope she will get to play in more film in the future.

Despite the film being two and a half hour long, it did not feel like it at all. In fact, I am glad that Ang Lee gives us enough time to reciate the beauty of the film. The plot is gripping, and ther eis a lot to be pondered on. Men he to caution against lust, while for women, they may he to caution against something else. I will no reveal it here, watch the film to see for yourself.

This film is a beautiful masterpiece. Just a side note, the uality in this film is so extremely the polar opposite compared to Ang Lee's last film "Brokeback Mountain". I find this very interesting.


Yu from the water to Noah's Ark to see differences between Eastern and Western cultures

From the ancient civilization of mankind's struggle with the floods began. Whether China's water Yu legend story of Noah's Ark or the West, are described in the ancient primitive era and the beginning of the flood fight. However, in the face of the flood disaster, not only to sum up the father of Yu gun embankment waterproof learn from the failure of river dredging, excating channels, and "they are Lei Cha to the public for the first, or floods for 13 years, three homes he been without "Finally eared in" Nine is very careful, not only spending nine Ze, Zhu Xia Yian "(" Historical Records canals "), the situation has become popular of the Chinese nation through the ages, knows the mouth with robation. In the West, known as "the Bible" recorded in the story of Noah's Ark: Noah by God's revelation of God in the world to punish the evil, we should flood the world and the human destruction before the construction of a ship, and all the family The male and female animals, all taken on board a pair, survived the flood disaster. Two stories in the East and West, down through the ages, lasting, the accumulation of their civilization, full of the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the interpretation of the colorful culture of the world.

Dayu water and Noah's Ark reflects the different Chinese and Western cultures of the world. Noah by God's revelation, by God's Ark to escape the drop to the people of the disaster, while Yu and floods as a natural phenomenon, and lead the people along the way with ease to defeat the floods; Noah also left a seed of human reproduction, But also to human beings to repent their sin God has provided a precedent, and Yu is left of humanity and nature in harmony with the struggle of thinking. This is fundamentally both embodied in the world is, the difference of world view. In China, the origin of the universe in general and development of health as a natural course of action is always flooded, and the people of the universe is an integral part of people to adapt to the flow of the universe, that is, "Heen and Man . " It is this world view, so that the flood waters Dayu, the best use of the situation, not to "block" and "Shu", so that our ancient Xian Di desert east to west along the river to the sea basin of water in people's struggle to form a pool together A great nation, casting a great era of water, creating a kind of ancient oriental civilization. In the West, but an attempt to find a universe there is absolutely no change, and there is no such departure from the provisions of the basic nature of all things. Western civilization as the source of one of the Jewish - Christian theology, God took the time and as the creator of all things, God sed Noah, so as to the interpretation of Western civilization.

Dayu water and Noah's Ark embodies the core of Chinese and Western cultures - and the sound radical, Yuedong and demure, analysis and synthesis of differences. In the face of humanity "evil", to take God's way is to destroy humanity. This breakthrough in the balance of the original made the leap and a new mutation, is a prominent feature of Western culture. Thus reflected in the philosophical and full of restless Xiasi in the literature on praise for the spirit of the knight, in the spirit of artistic publicity campaigns and masculine beauty. In the way of thinking is reflected in the one-sided driving, a philosopher of language is split into two, in the same difference. Therefore, God as a whole, without the need to think only they can end to human reproduction, philosophers, thinkers, only around a focus, to be able to get to the bottom of casting his own theory building to form their own school, and, as well as Feng Qi ideas, theories One after another, represents the typical characteristics of Western culture - Analysis. The contrast, in the face of floods, China's ancient Xiandi he fought, Yu finally "block" and "Shu" thinking about the contradictions found in the roach to water management and use at the time of the original range of knowledge and skills The success of water. This combination of Oriental culture typical features of an integrated thinking, the accumulation of the oriental culture to the core of a stable and demure, a philosopher of language is combined with the differences in order. Thus the whole concept of Chinese philosophy Nianshenrijiu, indifferent to the Ming Chinese culture, the truth became quiet Zhi Yuan, China's gentle aesthetic beauty to become advocates. It is like the depths of the sea, beautiful coral, sea grass of Piaoye as well as the leisure marine fish, with the choppy sea, a demure pose a colorful picture. This is the realm of the oriental culture.

Dayu water and Noah's Ark in the West reflects the view of the ethical and moral differences. Two stories on the surface to form the evacuation of the West, the East to divert flood water ideological differences, and then look through the surface reflects the culture of the West about natural rights, stressed the individual-based, the main publicity, and more emphasis on Oriental Culture Zhi-li, speaking and human relations based collective responsibility for the difference. In the story of Noah's Ark in although no Noah's struggle for human traces, they can see the building of the ark carefully planned, he felt seize the opportunity and perseverance of the main building of the ship, he learned that the use of external conditions To cope with the crisis in order to gain advantages strain of thinking. Western culture in the long-term development of the democratic culture of ancient Greece thought, to the development of the Renaissance to the extreme, and strong color to describe the pursuit of personality independence, the liberation of personality, the emphasis on individualism screen. Regard to the rise of Western culture, the talent, track record; on the other hand, the result of ideological confusion, the unlimited expansion of individualism, forming self-expression values of individualism. Dayu water and the spirit of carrying forward from generation to generation, China has been cultivating self-examination, self-discipline, from the collective selfishness of the starting ceremony of governance and re-thinking of the meaning of light profit culture, Chinese people formed a modest, courteous, and hey social responsibility of the fine traditional culture. This long-term culture of accumulation and the formation of Chen Yi-chung, Fucizaixiao, Fuchangfusui Confucianism outside the law within the social structure and human relations responsibilities, on the one hand, guarantee the harmonious relations among people, promote national unity and social Stability, so that the large extension of the Millennium nation, but on the other hand, the imprisonment of human individuality and creativity of the play is not conducive to democratic ideals and democratic system. In addition, the Western emphasis on the relationship between husband and wife horizontal, vertical re-orient each other by blood. Xie Qi Noah to oid water, and Yu is the succession of his father, then married to a four-day water, but also reflected the closure of the East and West with the opening of the ideological and cultural characteristics.

The formation of the East-West cultural differences are many reasons for the difference is the colorful. Noah's Ark Water and Yu showed us the beautiful landscape of Eastern and Western cultures, the differences between Eastern and Western cultures lead us to the source, we are inspired by Chinese and Western thinking about the nature and essence, we he to learn from each other, each other, "abandoned." "Demure" China's traditional culture and "Yue Dong," the Western culture matched so that the responsibility of the East and the West thought the right to go in order to generate the colorful picture of human civilization.


unpaired electron 意思是不成对电子;未配对电子;


1、Free radical which consists of unpaired electron 、 ultrashort half life period and high reaction play an important role in maintaining normal physiological function.


2、magnets, with a magnetic moment three orders of magnitude stronger than that of precessing nuclei.



left读音:英 [left] 美 [l?ft]? 。left的具体释义如下:

left? 英 [left] 美 [l?ft]?

1、形容词? adj.? 左边的,左侧的;左派的

例:You will see the chapel on the hill to your left 。


2、名词? n.左,左面;[军]左翼;左派,激进分子

例:Fled: The gunmen fled and climbed over the wall pictured on the left side of the this photograph.?


3、副词? adv.向左;在左边

例:The line is slanting to the left.?


4、动词? v.离开( lee的过去式和过去分词)

例:I left home early.





1、left, right and centre? 四面八方;到处;处处?

例:He's giving away money left, right and centre.


2、right and left到处;处处?

例:She owes money right and left.


3、the/sb's left? 在某人或某物的左边;左方;左?

例:She was sitting on my left .



国产的head liquidmetal L4网球拍和捷克产的有不同吗?


这里的billions我是按照亿来翻译的,因为有不同的解释,你可以参考其他的中文资料确定具体金额.CDO 是 Collateralized De Obligations我翻译的是债务抵押债券

NEW YORK (Fortune)纽约(财富) -- It was the second week of October 2006.在进入2006年十月的第二个星期.

William King, then J.P. Morgan's chief of securitized products, was vacationing in Rwanda.当威廉.金-摩根大通的证券产品的领袖还在卢旺达度. One evening CEO Jamie Dimon to fire tracked him down to fire a red alert. 一天晚上首席执行官 占美.德孟找到了他并且向他发出了一个红色警报.

"Billy, I really want you to watch out for subprime!"比利,我真的想让你当心次级 Dimon's voice crackled over King's hotel phone. 德孟的声音穿过金所在酒店的电话."We need to sell a lot of our positions. 我们需要出售很多我的们的阵地I've seen it before.我以前就经历过的 This stuff could go up in smoke!这些东西会化为乌有的.

That call marked the beginning of a remarkable strategic shift that helped J.P. Morgan (JPM, Fortune 500) sidestep the worst of a historic credit crisis.这通电话标志着摩根大通(财富 500)为回避历史上最大的信用危机取的出色的战略转换的开始 J.P. Morgan mostly exited the business of securitizing subprime mortgages when it was booming.摩根大通在快速发展的时候退出了大部分的证券的次级抵押的业务. With the notable exception of Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500), J.P. Morgan's main compes - including Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), UBS (UBS), and Merrill Lynch (MER, Fortune 500) - ignored the danger signs and piled into those products in a feeding frenzy.除了著名的高盛投资公司(财富 500),摩根大通的主要竞争对手包括了花旗集团(财富500)瑞士联合银行(注:现在也是财富500强)和美林(财富500) 都忽略了这个危险信号而疯狂的进入这些物业从而形成了大鱼吃小鱼的趋势(This is an excerpt from a story that ran in the Sept. 15 issue of Fortune. For more on Dimon and the team of talented lieutenants who helped J.P. Morgan dodge the credit crisis, read the full story) (这是摘自9月15日财富发表的一个故事。欲了解更多有关该德孟和一支能干的副手如何协助摩根大通回避信用危机,请阅读全文)

Make no mistake千万别搞错: J.P. Morgan is also suffering from the credit crunch.摩根大通也在忍受着信用危机的冲击 While it largely dodged the subprime bullet,当时他们只是大部分的避开了次级的袭击 J.P. Morgan stumbled in two other areas摩根大通的错误在另外2个领域: : funding dubious deals in the LBO frenzy and jumping into the jumbo mortgage market when other banks were getting out. 在杠杆收购的狂潮中资金分配的犹豫不定和当其他银行退出时进入巨大的抵押市场.The third quarter is already looking tough.在第三季度的时候已经开始经营困难. The company has announced that it is taking $1.5 billion in mortgage and leveraged-loan write-downs, and another $600 million to account for the decline in the value of its Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac preferred stock.这个公司对外宣称在抵押和杠杆资产减值上面获得了15亿美金,而另外的600百万美元去降低他在联邦国民抵押协会和联邦住房抵押公司优先股的市值.

Still, J.P. Morgan is weathering the crisis far better than its rivals. 但是摩根大通化解危机还是比其他竞争者有优势的.From July 2007,从2007年7月开始 when the cyclone began, 当这飓风开始的时候through the second quarter of this year,到这年的第二个季度 J.P. Morgan took just $5 billion in losses on high-risk CDOs and leveraged loans, compared with $33 billion at Citi, $26 billion at Merrill Lynch, and $9 billion at Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500). 和花旗证券损失33亿美元,美林损失26亿美元,美国银行(财富 500强)损失9亿美元相比摩根大通只是在高风险的债务抵押债券和杠杆中损失了5亿美元And in this market, losing less means winning big.而且在这个市场中损失的少就意味着赢得的多.Before the crisis J.P. Morgan was a middle-of-the-pack performer在这次危机之前摩根大通只是排在中间的运营者; today it leads in nearly every category, starting with its stock.今天他的通过股票已经领导几乎所有的业务 Since early 2007,从2007年早期开始, its share price has dropped 24%, to $37(as of Aug. 27), vs. declines of 44% for Bank of America and 68% for Citigroup.他的股票价格对比美国银行下降的44个百分点,和花旗集团下降的68个百分点 仅仅下降了24个百分点到37美元(8月27号的价格) Last year its market cap was far below those of Citi and BofA.去年他的总市值远远的落后在花旗和美国银行的后面 Today J.P. Morgan stands in a virtual tie with BofA for first place among U.S. banks, and it towers over Citi.现在摩根大通和美国银行在美国的银行中并列第一而且超过了花旗.

That is largely thanks to J.P. Morgan's decision to shun subprime CDOs - vehicles that sell bonds backed by pools of subprime mortgage-backed securities.这样的大的规模要感谢摩根大通的回避次债损失的决策--通过联合次级按揭证券而出售担保债券 J.P. Morgan has long ranked among the biggest buyers of auto and credit card loans, which it turned into asset-backed securities.摩根大通一直是汽车和的最大买家之一. But even in 2005而且直到2005年, J.P. Morgan remained a small player in the hottest business on Wall Street, securitizing mortgages.在华尔街中最热门的抵押证券化中摩根大通还不过是个很小的玩家. Dimon wanted to build a far bigger franchise, chiefly by securitizing the loans made by the bank itself through its Chase Home Lending division. 德孟要建立一个巨大的特许经营(注:像是麦当劳似的经营模式),由银行本身通过其银行房屋部门来实现证券化。By 2006,在2006年 J.P. Morgan was growing substantially in securitizing mortgages and dabbling in subprime CDOs, a business that was generating billions in fees for other Wall Street firms.摩根大通的增长主要在证券抵押和涉足次级债务抵押债券上,而且为华尔街其他的公司产生了上亿美元的收入.

But Dimon soon began to see reasons to pull back.但是很快德孟就意识到需要撤离的原因. One red flag came from the mortgage servicing business, the branch that sends out statements, handles escrow, and collects payments on $800 billion in home loans, its own and others'. 这象征危险的旗帜是来自抵押服务公司的,这个分行发出的声明,控制的契约和征收的800亿美元的家庭的付款,其中包括他们旗下和其他公司的.During a regular monthly business review for the retail bank in October 2006, the chief of servicing said that late payments on subprime loans were rising at an alarming rate.在这份2006年10月份的一份很平常的零售银行每月总结中,服务部指出在晚些时候,次级的支付将会以惊人的速率增长. The data showed that loans originated by compes like First Franklin and American Home were performing three times worse than J.P. Morgan's subprime mortgages. 数据表明这些来自于竞争者像 第一富兰克林(属于美林集团)而且美国家庭(American Home 美国的月刊杂志)展现了3倍不如摩根大通的次级抵押"We concluded that underwriting standards were deteriorating across the industry," says Dimon.我们总结了已经恶化并影响了整个行业的标准. 德孟说.

Steve Black and Bill Winters, co-heads of the investment bank, were discovering more reasons to be cautious.史蒂夫.布莱克和比尔.温特斯--投资银行的智囊团发现了更多需要谨慎的原因. CDOs issue a range of bonds, from supposedly safe AAA-rated ones with relatively low yields to lower-rated ones with higher yields.债务抵押债券这一系列的债券根据安全的AAA评级标准: 一个的低收益的公司债券到更低收益的公司债券要经过一个高收益的阶段 Winters and Black saw that hedge funds, insurance companies, and other customers were clamoring for the high-yielding CDO paper and were less interested in the other stuff.温特斯和布莱特发现了对冲基金,保险公司,和其他客户要求高收益公司债券的债务抵押债券合同而且对其他的东西没有兴趣 That meant banks like Merrill and Citi were forced to hold billions of dollars of the AAA paper on their books. 这意味着想美林和花旗这样的银行在账面上为了AAA合同要保持上亿美元的现金.What's wrong with that?这样有什么错误? Doesn't an AAA rating mean the securities are safe?AAA评级不是意味着这些有价证券是安全的吗? Not necessarily.并不一定.

In 2006, AAA-rated CDO bonds yielded only two percentage points more than supersafe Treasury bills. 在2006年,AAA评级的债务抵押债券的债券收益比相当安全的短期国库券高了2个百分点.So the market seemed to be saying that the bonds were solid.所以这好像是在表明市场的债券是稳定的. But Black and Winters concluded otherwise.但是布莱特和温斯特的结论是不同的. Their yardstick was credit default swaps - insurance against bond failures.他们的衡量标准是信用违约互换--保险债券抵制债券的失败 By late 2006 the cost of default swaps on subprime CDOs had jumped sharply. 在2006年后期,对于次级的债务抵押债券的违约互换的成本开始急速增长.Winters and Black saw that once they bought credit default swaps to hedge the AAA CDO paper J.P. Morgan would he to hold, the fees from creating CDOs would vanish. 温斯特和布莱特意识到一旦他们买入信用违约互换去保护AAA的债务抵押债券合同摩根大通将要必须要撑住,而创造抵押债券的利润将会消失."We saw no profit, and lots of risk, in holding subprime paper on our balance sheet,"我意识到在资产负债表中保持次级是没有利润反而有很多的风险. says Winters.温斯特说. The combined weight of that data triggered Dimon's call to King in Africa.这些数据组合以后导致德孟打电话给在非洲的金. "It was Jamie who saw all the pieces,"这是占美意识到这所有的碎片 says Winters.温斯特说.

In late 2006, J.P. Morgan started slashing its holdings of subprime de.在2006年后期摩根大通开始削减其持有的次级债券的债务。 It sold more than $12 billion in subprime mortgages that it had originated.大通售出了曾经产生过12亿美元的次级债券抵押. Its trading desks dumped the loans on their books and mostly stopped making markets in subprime paper for customers.他的这些出售的交易在账面上降低了金额,而且停止了对大部分顾客提供次级业务. J.P. Morgan's corporate treasury under Ina Drew even starting hedging, betting that credit spreads would widen. 摩根大通的公司债券在Ina Drew(没查到)之下甚至开始套期保值并且在债券差价将会扩大.Over the next year those hedges reportedly yielded gains of hundreds of millions of dollars.第二年, 根据报道这些回避政策的收益达到上亿美元.

Dimon's stance was radical德孟的观点是激进的: He was skirting the biggest growth business on Wall Street.他绕开了在华尔街上增长最大的业务. J.P. Morgan sank from third to sixth in fixed-income underwriting from 2005 to 2007, and the main reason was its refusal to play in subprime CDOs, which its rivals were gorging on.在2005到2007年间摩根大通的保险业的固定收入从第三下降到第六,而主要的原因就是他们拒绝加入他们竞争对手在进行的次级的债务抵押债券交易, "We'd get the quarterly reports from our compes and see that they'd added $100 billion to their balance sheets,我们有我们竞争对手的季度报表,而且发现在他们的资产负债表上加入了100亿美元" says Dimon.德孟说. "And they were hardly adding any capital, so it looked like their investments were almost risk-free.而且他们几乎没有加入任何的资金,所以看起来他们的投资是几乎没有风险的." But in the end, of course, the decision to shun subprime made Dimon a hero.但是最后,当然这回避次级的决策让德孟成为了一个英雄.


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We welcomed a slightly heftier feel of the LiquidMetal Radical Midplus. Still offering a great deal of maneuverability, the Midplus will suit all court players looking for a racquet with predictable ball response and plenty of feel. The Midplus is also one of the most comfortable player's racquets around and has plenty of the classic Head feel that put Head racquets on the map. Fans of previous versions of the Midplus Radical should definitely give this one a try.


A solid racquet offering all court playability and slightly more power than the Midplus version of the LiquidMetal Radical. We found plenty of spin potential on both serves and groundstrokes from the Oversize LiquidMetal Radical. Plays with slightly more heft than previous versions of the Radical and we noticed an increase in comfort. If you liked previous versions of the Oversize Radical or are looking for an Oversize with plenty of control, the LiquidMetal Radical is definitely worth a try.






这是一款硬拍子,相对MP来说,他更强力一点.同时,无论在落地球,或是发球,他都更有利于加旋转.比老款的略显强力但是同时增强了舒适性.对于上款radical OS的球迷,或者寻求控制的OS拍的,这款无疑值得尝试.


长度:27 英寸


材质:碳素,智能避震片,LiquidMetal Titanium




Babolat 球拍检测中心资料:

硬度:63 (0-100)

挥重:325 (200-400)

建议挥拍方式:中-长距离挥拍 (L4)

建议挥拍速度:快速 (fast)

平衡: 3 pts 轻拍头


建议穿线磅数:51-64 磅