






       1、从王宫出来,先进入POOR SECTOR(穷人区),此时身上有28元钱,物品栏中还有根木棍。可以在地上捡到到GRIMME‘S FARM的钥匙,男人的地方可以买宠物,我一般先买第二种:GOOSE,因为有几率可以生出金蛋来,而且进入下一关的钥匙需要金鹅(金蛋孵化出来的宠物)去换,早点养几率高点,可以节约点时间。女人的地方可以买食物,这是必须的。没钱了怎么办?在鼠标变手形的地方找找吧,运气好就会找到钱。找不到的话可以离开再进入几次,或者SAVE后LOAD都可,随机一定几率出现的。买了份食物后,就可以去农场养宠物了。鼠标移到GRIMME’S FARM的锁上面,会出现钥匙形状,点击进入。右下角出现了怪物鼠标点上去会出现物品栏中木棍的形状,使劲点吧,不同的怪物需要点的次数不同,点到消失为止。宠物生了蛋就用鼠标去拣,生完蛋后饿了,会在头上出现“苹果”图标,用鼠标点击饿了的宠物,就吃掉了,食物的份数就会减少一份。一般一个宠物准备一份食物就够了,反正到最后倒计时时,就是不喂它也不会饿死的。倒计时结束,这一天的喂养就结束了。选择“退出地图”,回到POOR SECTOR。

       一般第一天可以拣到2-3个蛋,这时一定要先存盘。先找找桶里有没有钱和食物,然后点击孵化炉,把蛋放入孵化炉,成功了就会出现只新的GOOSE,失败了就取出进度重来。如果运气好拣到的是金蛋,会孵化出GOLDEN GOOSE来,把一只金鹅交给卖食物的女人(交谈)可以获得去下一城镇的钥匙,剩下的我一般把它留着到下一关养。这样能孵出3只GOOSE来。因为孵化时多次S/L,每次都孵化前都先找找有没有随机出现的钱和食物,有了就先存盘再孵化,所以等到所有蛋都孵化好,食物一般也找够了,再次去农场养宠物。这样重复下去,等到有了7,8只GOOSE了,可以把GOOSE都卖掉,买这一关最贵的GRIPHONETTE来养,卖的可以比较贵。卖宠物和卖蛋一般价格在4只蛋等于一只宠物,所以刚开始时为了快速攒钱,还是在孵化时多用用S/L比较好。

       只要给乞丐10元就可以从他那里打听消息,好象不是必要的,不过我每次也都是给的,不知道不给会不会有什么影响。从女人那里拿到到下一个城镇的钥匙后就可以进入GREENWICH SQUARE了,但是要进入下个城镇的第一个饲养场:HOBB‘S COTTAGE,必须要交给城镇入口的那个妇女980元,所以不要着急,要等攒够了足够的钱再进入下一城镇,否则去了也是白去。当然如果你觉得用木棍打怪物太累,可以在攒满了40块钱后先去下个城镇买把木剑,这样宠物养得多时杀怪物比较方便,可以多点时间出来拣蛋。

       好了,等攒满1000块钱后,在进入下一城镇:GREENWICH SQUARE前,建议大家买两个这一关里的第一种宠物GREEN DRAGONFLY去养一次,拣来的蛋不要去孵化,存着,原因下面会讲到。

       2、进入GRENWICH SQUARE后,右边罐子里拣到的钱包交给中间右边的男子ROWAN,和门口的妇女交谈,给她980元后,买下了HOBB’S COTTAGE,那里可以养金鹅以及其它3种宠物,宠物在站在远处的男人处有买,上面一排的三种都是可以在HOBB‘S COTTAGE饲养的。如果没钱了,可以先从饲养第一关里攒的金鹅开始,还有一定几率生出MAGIC GOOSE的蛋来,同样孵化出MAGIC GOOSE(魔法鹅),先存着不要卖,可以在下一个饲养场养。重复几次后,建议大家不要买第一种宠物了,直接就买第二种宠物:BLUE DRAGONFLY,拣来的蛋先不要孵化,拿到远处卖宠物的男人的地方,这里的PET LAB可以创造新品种了。上一关存着的GREEN DRAGONFLY的蛋和这一关的BLUE DRAGONFLY的蛋可以合成一个新品种:GREEN DRAGON的蛋,而且GREEN DRAGON也是可以在HOBB’S COTTAGE里养的,卖的价格要比其它4个贵很多。靠养GREEN DRAGON攒满30000元,再买两个第三种宠物GRYPHON养一次,把蛋存着,下面配新宠物时要用到。

       和边上那个卖食物的老妇人交谈,她会30000元卖给你这里的第二个饲养场:ROSEMARY WOOD的钥匙。再去ROSEMARY WOOD之前,先攒点钱在她那里买好银剑,否则怪物会让你点到手酸。到卖宠物的男人的地方,买第一种RED DRAGONFLY养,生出的蛋不要孵化,和前面存着的GRYPHON的蛋合成新宠物RUBY GRIFFIN的蛋,孵化出的RUBY GRIFFIN交给镇门口的ROWAN,可以拿到进入下一个城镇的钥匙。多出来的RUBY GRIFFIN可以直接在ROSEMARY WOOD里养,是这个级别的宠物里最贵的,赚钱很快。等攒了差不多10几万了,再到卖宠物的男人处买两个ICE BIRD养一次,生出来的蛋攒着下面用。这里在后面宠物养得比较多时,可以先用ROWAN给的钥匙打开新城镇:EAST CREST COURT的锁,在右面的男人处买STAR SWORD(7400元)杀怪物比较快。

       3、和当中两个贵族中穿紫色衣服的那个交谈,交给他120000后,取的去最后一个饲养场:PEMBERLY KEEP的钥匙。在STAR SWORD右面的男人处买TOAD SWORD,交给左面的矮男人,他会给你一只FIREBIRD,是游戏中最贵的宠物。也可以通过买这里的第一种宠物GOLDEN DRAGONFLY,用GOLDEN DRAGONFLY的蛋和前面存着的ICE BIRD的蛋来合成FIREBIRD的蛋,这样可以很快有多只FIREBIRD。第一次进入PEMBERLY KEEP,可以在地上拣到一只红宝石戒指,把戒指交给城镇中间穿紫色衣服的贵族后,再买一个这一关的第二种宠物,将拣来的蛋(不须孵化)交给穿绿色衣服的贵族,和在右面卖武器的男人交谈,可以买到终极武器:LIGHTENING ROD,杀怪物基本一击致命。接下来就简单了,重复养FIREBIRD,卖31000一个,只要10多个就可以攒足游戏规定的金钱。




       2、功略里给出了最重要的一些新品种宠物的配法,虽然我也发现过别的,如用PURPLE DRAGON和GRYPHON也可以配出GREEN DRAGON,不过是用贵的蛋配出了更便宜的,而且是已经有的,好象没什么意思。我为了玩出所有配法,所以把所有宠物蛋都收集全,全部试了一遍了,应该没有遗漏的了。当然大家也可以再自己试试。


       英国国歌中文名称:《天佑女王》,英国国歌英文名称:《God Save The Queen》。

       《天佑女王》(God Save The Queen),一般只唱第一段。如在位的是男性君主,国歌改为“God Save The King”。《天佑国王》是英联邦国家的国歌和皇室颂歌。词作者佚名,作曲者为亨利·卡累。











       1925年3月12日,孙中山在北京逝世,遵照他生前安葬在钟山的遗愿,灵柩暂停放在北京香山碧云寺内, 并决定在南京钟山修建他的陵墓。自1926年春动工,至1929年夏建成 。















       Sun Yat-sen was China's great statesman Sun Yat-sen's tomb. It is located in east China's Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Zhongshan eastern XIAOMAOSHAN the south, next to Xiao, a close Spirit Valley East, and build a mountainside. increased gradually from south to north along the axis, the whole building complex layers of the mountain and increase the momentum of magnificent.

       March 12, 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, in accordance with the wishes of his lifetime buried in Zhongshan. Biyunsi suspended on the coffins, 86, and decided to build his tomb in Nanjing Zhongshan. Since the spring of 1926 to start the summer of 1929 to build.

       Sun Yat-sen sit north to south, covering an area of 800 million square meters, of which the Great Hall of the festival palace-building simulation, have three arches. doorway inscribed with "nation, civil rights, and the people's" banners. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, festival halls placed marble Zuoxiang, Dr. Sun Yat-sen wall engraved with the text of a handwritten "principles for national reconstruction".

       Its main structures : the arch, coins, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, and the tomb of the Great Hall and other ceremonies. From the air down, the Sun Yat-sen as a supine in the Green delivered acrylic blankets on the "freedom bell." Foot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is the steeple bell, semilunar Place bell roof arcs, top of the tomb and the tomb of the hemispherical dome roof, as the first round bell pendulum slip. Place the tripod southern Taiwan (now the images of Dr. Sun Yat-sen) to the clock bell in New York, the "ting" is the ancient symbol of power. The clock is therefore with the whole "to arouse the people to build in" with the United States. Sun images of heroic vitality, the gesture seems to swing between the destiny of the speech was delivered.

       Chungshan is the original greet bier Road, is Dr. Sun Yat-sen when the coffins through the south. Nanjing is the first asphalt road, started in 1926, completed in 1929. At that time, the preparatory office of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's funeral affairs program designed to recruit tomb. .

       The results, the design architect Lv direct "Liberty Bell" type design won first prize. Lv also been hired to direct the grave of Chief Architect. This set of construction, type combination, use of color, material handling performance and detail, we have achieved very good results, color harmony. thereby enhancing the solemn atmosphere.

       Entrance to the grave of a tall granite arch, a handwritten Dr. Sun Yat-sen the "fraternity" two Rongji. In such a landmark building is used to singing the praises of the main functions. "Fraternity" revealed word of Dr. Sun Yat-sen are broad-minded and lofty ideals. After the arch is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide oval. Behavior Mausoleum doors, it's a light blue glazed tile roofs, doors places on the works of Dr. Sun Yat-sen "commerce" four characters.

       Here the use of the color blue glazed tile has a certain meaning that the color blue symbol of the heavens : the color blue, glazed tiles containing Whether it is realized. Dr. Sun Yat-sen so as to show the breadth of the country and the people in mind. Choice for further progress. The steles piece about 6 meters high on the words "Republic of China on June 1 1929 Chinese Kuomintang funeral here, Mr. Prime Minister Sun," a unique golden characters. From the festival reached a landmark court began, a total of 392 stone steps grade eight platform.

       Climbing the stairs so many extremely difficult, but when you finish this long after the steepest stairs. will realize "the" premier wills "," the exhortation : "The revolution has yet to succeed, keep on working hard," meaning. Level with the granite blocks in Suzhou

       The platform has a maximum two-table, after the festival Hall. China is a columnar table markers, signs in the Great Hall of this festival. Festival Hall has three arches, the sub-book "nation", "human rights" and "people" from the amount. Here is the festival palace-style Great Hall of imitation. Sun Festival Hall doorway engraved with a handwritten "world justice," The characters struggle to express the ideals of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

       Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hall has marble Zuoxiang, 4.6 meters high, realistic, Portland is world famous sculptor Paul sinus Karpinski masterpiece. Block things around as a reflection of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary deeds of arms. Festival Hall Wall things handwritten marble engraved with the posthumous work of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "principles for national reconstruction" and others write "the" premier wills ",".

       Here, we will not see the Sun Yat-sen to overthrow the feudal monarchy immortal donated 2,000 years of history and hard struggle, I also see the Sun as the Chinese independent, strong and grand plans for the founding ideas. Yet Hall after two heavy, made of either copper front door, door frames through black marble blocks. Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten on the "noble spirit that will never perish" banners.

       Dual fan brass door for independence, on the eastern gate "Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Tomb" stone. Comes round tomb, 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters high. Central is a long hole, lying on top of the white marble like Dr. Sun Yat-sen, He visited the site may lie around like the white marble railing overlooking the casket, as this system moves by the Czech sculptor high body image creation very realistic.

       Dr. Sun Yat-sen's remains buried below. Grave 4 meters in diameter and five meters deep, external reinforced concrete sealing. After the liberation of Nanjing, Liu Bocheng, as mayor, specially shipped in from Hunan 20000 Pine and Chinese parasol trees were planted here.

       30 years ago, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum constant exploration of new renovation, the entire garden area of more than 3,000 hectares. Around the graveyard, full of dynamism and attractive. Sun Yat-sen was a great revolutionary forerunner Dr. Sun Yat-sen's tomb, located in the south of Nanjing Zijinshan Maoshan China. tomb building, a magnificent and majestic. The visit to Nanjing, the general must pay tribute to Sun Yat-sen's revolutionaries of the cemetery. Although Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, but his noble spirit that will never perish, and the world will never have to admire.

       Sun Yat-sen's fusion of Eastern and Western architectural styles, was the situation with various Zhongshan majestic arch, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, Festival Hall and tomb large green and the sky through a broad level, even as a whole, is very solemn and majestic both profound meaning Also it is very solemn and majestic, more grand finale, the design was very successful. So as the "first modern Chinese architectural history of the Mausoleum."

       This novel name is called " in world the coldest place ".


       Narrated the English south pole exploring party and the Norwegian south pole exploring party separately explores south pole's story under Chief Scott and the Roald Amundsen leadership


       In exploration process, they although encountered all sorts of difficulties, but they all relied on own courage and the wisdom 11 overcome.


       Although finally explores not to obtain successfully, but their selfless offer spirit moved me.


       As, the book said ,In the mind of human being,the first one always get everything ,but the rest get nothing .


       However,these heroes are called heroes because they have a noble character, death-defying spirit. First Guards Oates, in order not to drag his associates, at a critical time to protect his associates, flew to the death.


       And finally, they hold despair, pride, waiting for death. They crawl into sleeping bags without regrets.


       Scott in particular, to the last moment of life to all who loved him to write a letter to express his sincere selfless love and brotherhood.


       So, when they died, even the supreme authority of the king knelt down to mourn them, and know that their status in the eyes of the people the primacyHuman nature never complete the conquest.


        But in nature, the human spirit will be sublimated.Scott was a group of flesh destroyed. But left a strong spiritual victory.



